Completed Projects
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> Research Projects > Risk Communication > Completed Projects

Completed Research Projects Risk Communication

The following research projects have been assigned and completed within the framework of the DMF. The results will be published in peer reviewed scientific journals and the results of an independent expert evaluation required by this programme will be made available.

bullet Knowledge-based database of literature describing the effects of electromagnetic fields on the organism and implants
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bullet Identifying the general public's fears and anxieties with regard to the possible risks of high frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile telecommunications (annual survey)
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bullet Supplementary information about electromagnetic hypersensitive persons
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bullet Analysis of target groups for differentiated information
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bullet Examination of the knowledge and effects of information activities in the field of mobile telecommunications and determination of further approaches to improve information of different population groups
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bullet Support of the co-operation between the mobile telecommunication actors by the local agenda 21
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bullet Innovative procedures for settling disputes with respect to the siting of mobile phone transmitters
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