Identifying the general public's fears and anxieties with regard to
the possible risks of high frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile
telecommunications (annual survey)
Project Management
Infas - Institute for Applied Social Sciences
The project's objective was to investigate the public's perception of mobile communication using a nationwide representative telephone survey. Four annual surveys should highlight possible changes in the opinions of citizens between 2003 and 2006.
The survey focused on the general public's fears and anxieties of possible health risks and perceived adverse health effects of high frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile telecommunication. Further investigated were the different parameters of mobile phone use, including level of information as well as knowledge and use of precautionary measures.
Between 2003 and 2006, 2500 citizens over the age of 14 were interviewed annually (a total of 10020 interviews) about possible risks of high frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile telecommunications.
The average interview length was 20 minutes. The questionnaire contained core questions, which were repeated annually and supplemented with relevant current issues. These surveys were preceded annually by a pre-test to check comprehension of the questions and the interview length.
Framework parameters of mobile phone usage:
Between 2003 and 2005 the use of mobile phones as well as the use of wireless landline telephones rose amongst the population over the age of 14, from 73 and 76 percent to 79 and 82 percent respectively. In 2006 the proportion of the population using a mobile phone had slightly declined (76 per cent), the proportion using wireless telephones consolidated at 83 percent.
The none-use of mobile phones was not necessarily based on a rejection of this means of communication, but potentially also as a result of respondents having no need. Even if it was proven that mobile phone use had adverse health effects, only about half the users stated they could imagine relinquishing their mobile phone.
Nearly half of the respondents (47 percent in 2004 to 2006, 43 percent in 2003) know of the location of a mobile communication transmitter within a radius of 5 km to their own home or suspects such a transmitter in the vicinity. However, only one third of the respondents felt certain they could recognise a mobile communication transmitter on first sight.
Concern and adverse effects through high frequency electromagnetic fields of mobile telecommunication in the public:
The proportion of the public anxious about high-frequency electromagnetic fields (30 percent) or who have described adverse effects (9 percent) has remained constant between 2003 and 2005. The proportion of concerned declined slightly to 27 percent in 2006 (but not significantly). Throughout the whole period under investigation the concern about EMF of mobile telecommunication remains below the level of concern about adverse health effects of air pollution, side effects of medicine, consumption of meat with unknown origins, heavy smoking as well as participation in traffic.
The use of different indicators has shown that mobile telecommunication transmitters are viewed as a greater threat and more adversely effective than mobile phones or wireless telephones.
Using a statistical model (based on logistic regression), possible influence variables on the frequency of people who are concerned about EMF or not were investigated. The frequency of those anxious about EMF is particularly high in the southwest region (Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg), in people between 35 and 64 years old, respondents with a higher school education, respondents without a mobile phone, respondents with no wireless phone as well as respondents with mobile communication transmitters in the immediate vicinity of their home.
Headache, sleeping problems and general ill-feeling taking the form of weariness are amongst the most common actual complaints caused by electromagnetic fields. However, the majority (around 60 percent) of those who claim to be affected by EMF (through self-assessment) can not name any concrete adverse health effects.
The public's level of knowledge about EMF:
34 percent of respondents had never engaged in the subject of electromagnetic fields of mobile telecommunication prior to their interview in 2006. 27 percent said they had no knowledge of the subject. Only 8 percent of the respondents had dealt "a lot" with the subject. Only 3 percent felt they were well informed on the subject. Regard for the topic of EMF is - compared to the high level of use - rather small.
Only around a quarter of the respondents knew of the SAR value (27 percent in 2006). The level of awareness of the SAR value has not increased compared to 2003. On top of the comparatively low knowledge about the SAR value, is the low motivation to act on the impact of this feature: In 2006, only 15 percent of those aware of the SAR value used it as a factor when making a decision on the purchase of a mobile phone. With regard to the total population above the age of 14 this comprises a proportion of 4 percent.
Precautionary measures:
Precaution as a safeguard against electromagnetic fields was not a relevant issue for 8 to 10 percent of the respondents during the whole survey period. They neither think about measures nor do they implement any. The rest of the minority mentioned - alongside measures regarding mobile phones - a whole range of measures from shielding themselves when handling electronic devices to political engagement.
The public's level of awareness on recommendations on the use of mobile phones varies. The recommendations: to forgo mobile phone conversation in favour of the landline, to keep mobile phone conversations short and to use a headset and external aerial in the car, enjoy the highest level of awareness. To use the mobile phone only when there is a good reception is a relatively unknown precautionary measure.
The annual survey on the public's perception on mobile telecommunication shows a high level of consistency in all the survey results. When considering the total population, the subject of mobile telecommunication shows a solid level of relevance for the population.
The data allows conclusions on the perception of mobile telecommunication effects compared to the perception of other possible adverse health effects, as well as the characteristics and development of different parameters of risk perception throughout the period of investigation.
The BfS uses the findings as an important basis for its strategy of public relations and other risk communication activities (e.g. maintaining contact with different stakeholders) as well as a starting point for future specific surveys and analysis on the subject.
The final report containing the comparative findings of the surveys 2003 to 2006 can be downloaded as a PDF file (967 KB) in German.
The findings of the four annual surveys are available as a report and a short summary:
Survey 2003
Summary of the basic results (12 KB) in German.
Complete Report (237 KB) in German.
Survey 2004
Summary of the basic results and comparisons with 2003 (12 KB) in German
Complete Report (352 KB) in
Survey 2005
Summary of the basic results (20 KB) in German.
Complete Report (842 KB) in German.
Survey 2006
Summary of the basic results (17 KB) in German.
Complete Report (703 KB) in German.